What we do at FFC

  At FFC, we use specific chiropractic adjustments to remove interference from your nervous system and ensure your brain and body have a clear, connected path.

Dr. Rachel is trained in many different chiropractic techniques, including Diversified, Thompson, Gonstead, Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Activator, MC2, Toggle Recoil, Webster, and more. This allows for your care to be changed and personalized depending on what is happening with your body at each visit.

As well as chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Rachel will use her knowledge of other soft tissue modalities and rehabilitation exercises to ensure your care accommodates your needs at each appointment.

Specialty care for
pregnancy + postpartum

One of the most transformative experiences in a woman’s life is becoming a mom! The act of growing a little human within your body in just 9 short months is already incredible.

Now take into consideration the birth process, being responsible for another life, and getting to know your new baby - it can be overwhelming! But don’t worry, your Flow Family is here to support and empower you in every way we can, from preconception through postpartum.

Dr. Rachel will use her training from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and BIRTHFIT organization, as well as the Webster Technique, to provide the best care possible during your parenthood transition, ensuring it is tailored to YOU!


Specialty care for
the pediatric population

Let’s be real - being a kid these days is HARD! Not only are kiddos going through the normal physical changes that come with growing up, they’re dealing with more chemical, emotional, and societal stressors than ever before.

Chiropractic care for babies + children is integral for their nervous system to navigate these stressors. This ensures they can live their best lives, optimally growing, developing, and reaching their milestones!

Dr. Rachel will use her experience and training from the ICPA and all the pediatric classes at Life University to ensure your little one gets advanced, personalized care from the start!